Monday, August 11, 2014


I have an inescapable urge that has become hard for me to argue with. Although I normally get feelings that I want to cut my hair, I am able to shake them off and convince myself that's not really what I want in life. Now, though, it feels like part of my identity. I mean, I had my first child over two months ago; isn't it about time that I got a “mommy” haircut?

It's been a few months now that I've been considering chopping my hair off. I've gotten a major haircut about every four years since 5th grade. It's been over five years now that I've been putting this off. I've cut in bangs as a compromise and since grown them out again. I repeatedly tell myself that any haircut will be like that—a passing fancy that will take years to grow out. It always is.

The truth of what pushed me over the edge? I tried to watch an episode of Battlestar Galactica. (Hangs head in shame.) The first episode was a bit racy for my tastes, but before I turned it off, I was tempted. And my temptation came in the form of a naughty thought: “Hmm . . . that sexy Cylon sure has great hair.” And that's all she wrote. (Though, she obviously wasn't me, because I'm still writing.) I immediately went to the computer and Googled “wavy chin length haircuts.” This minor infraction led to an even greater evil: the establishment of a Pinterest account. (My head slips even lower in the ignominy of the whole situation.)

Saturday morning, I was ready to go for it. There are such cute hairstyles available! I don't know if any of them would actually look good on my head, but they sure look great on the people who have them. Every time I looked in the mirror at my less-than-great Saturday hair, I thought about doing something different. If someone would have knocked on my door and said “I'm here to cut your hair,” I would have said “Let's do this!” Now, though, I'm a bit more hesitant.

First off, I hate caving to peer pressure. If every sexy Cylon got a cute short haircut would I jump off a cliff? Absolutely not; that's completely illogical! I might follow suit and get a haircut, though.

There's just the main problem that my hair is naturally straight more than it is curly. I keep justifying that with less hair weighing me down, I might be able to coax my remaining locks to cooperate in a bit of a wave, but I don't want to spend much time in styling. There's also the issue that I hate for that much hair to go to waste, but Locks of Love, the group that I've donated through each time before, requires 10 inches of hair. I don't know what that means for my future hairstyle. There's also the “What if I don't like it?” factor. Well, if that happens, I suppose I can grow it again for the four years. I've done it before, and I'll probably do it again.


  1. Dilemmas, dilemmas! You'll look beautiful whichever way you decide to go! :)

  2. You could Google "straight chin length haircuts" and see if you find anything you like! :)
