Saturday, July 26, 2014

Y, Oh, Y Do I Have to Cook?

You probably didn't know this, but I type my blogs with a disability. Yes, that's right; the “y” key on my keyboard is dented and falls off. I muddle through, but as you read, just keep it in mind.

It happened like this: I was baking. All the worst things begin with me baking, and it didn't help that I was in our tiny kitchen with limited counter space. We were responsible for providing a treat for a Family Home Evening we were attending with friends, and I had decided to make a trifle. Despite their name, trifles are not a dessert of small consequence. Although, in all honesty, it's just a chunked up cake layered with toppings and pudding layered in to make it look better than the average cake.

The cake had been baked and I had begun to cut out cubes to stack in our best glass bowl. Unfortunately, as I mixed the pudding to spread, my already too-small counter seemed to shrink even more. It was either that, or the cake pan suddenly leapt off the edge. At any rate, I watched in horror as my cake pan, with at least half of the cake still in it,



the ground, striking the y key on the laptop as it fell.

So, I did what any self-respecting individual in my situation would have done; I picked up the pieces of chocolate cake, broke off the parts that touched the ground, and salvaged the rest. I know this was okay because I watched my Aunt Terri lead an army of spoon-wielding nieces and nephews to save a pie that had fallen to the ground—by eating it off the gravel. This is also why I laughed incredibly hard at the part in “Julie and Julia” when she drops the chicken on the ground and ends up lying on her back in the kitchen having a meltdown. The number of times I've found myself on the kitchen floor lamenting my cooking abilities and the mere fact that I have to cook dinner is more than I'd care to admit.

I promise this was the only time I did something of this sort. To date, anyway. But you may be able to see “Y” cooking is so stressful for me. (And “Y” you may want to avoid eating my cooking . . .)


  1. Oh my goodness; thanks for sharing this! I laughed so hard! I am especially glad for the corroborating witness on the pie story--my mother tends to be reliable, but you never know.

  2. Laughed out loud just now. The fact that trifle even crossed your mind when considering desserts tells me you are much more apt in the kitchen than this cousin of yours.

  3. But Skye, trifle is such an EASY dessert! It's just assembly!

  4. Tacy's right, trifles are fairly simple. At least, that's what my bishop's wife said in the note accompanying the trifle dish and recipes she gave us for our wedding. I am not that creative on my own.

  5. At least you didn't do what I normally do, which is ALWAYS to make everything worse when I mess up in the kitchen. I have thrown entire cakes in the sink for far less than touching the ground. It makes Nate a bit crazy as he has to talk his wife off the ledge everytime and reassure me that all is right in the world.
