Saturday, July 19, 2014

Forget About Snowmen--Do You Want to Change a Diaper?

Changing diapers is a normal part of life for parents. I've been thinking, though, about all the people in this world who don't get to change diapers on a daily basis. They probably feel left out. That's why I've started the “Do you want to change a diaper?” campaign—to benefit under-privileged individuals without diaper opportunities. (And also parents who tire of changing diapers daily.)

Now, currently Melody's diapers aren't too bad, but it never ceases to amaze me how fast we can go from “All clean!” to “How in the world did it get up to THERE?” I'm hoping, though, to get this movement started now so that it will have caught on by the time she gets into solid foods.

Obviously, Frozen is over-done. However, in order to capitalize on the established audience, my plan is to piggy-back off of its popularity and raise awareness through parodies titled “I Know You're Tired of Frozen Covers, But You HAVE to Hear This One!” And besides, you can change diapers all year round!

I've already started with the under-privileged people in my life (namely, my younger siblings):

Do you want to change a diaper?
Come on, it could be fun!
I bet it's prob'ly been awhile
Let's see that smile . . .
And then they always run.

They don't want to change a diaper.


  1. I will gladly change her diaper for you!!! Just bring her over to my place any time day or night!!! LOL

  2. I don't think we are underprivileged...come on there are 12 of us and one and half still in diapers!!
